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I-nuri Product Principle

Kids' specialty food brand "I-nuri" is a reliable eco-friendly product, and we promise a sustainable tomorrow that all children can enjoy by helping them grow healthy and learning the preciousness of nature.

I-nuri thinks only of children from beginning to end

  • Promise 1.
    We provide eco-friendly, safe food that is strictly managed!

    I-nuri products have been verified by CJ Freshway’s strict self-standard and national institution across all categories of agriculture, livestock, fisheries, processing, and non-food materials, and we aim for eco-friendly products.

    안심 먹거리를 제공합니다
  • Promise 2. We apply eco-friendly packaging material for the future of children!

    We will help preserve a healthy environment by considering the conservation and circulation of nature even in packaging materials and help our children form small habits to protect the ecosystem.

    자연친화적 포장재를 적용합니다
  • Promise 3. We work together with farmers to produce the best products continuously!

    We support and nurture farmers who produce products by pursuing a direct transaction method in the production area so that the management of the entire process from soil management to production, harvest, packaging, and delivery can be continued.

    농가와 상생합니다

I-nuri product

You can feed with confidence since we carefully selected and managed raw materials.

  • 친환경 농산물 Eco-friendly agricultural products

    We provide eco-friendly agricultural products that are cultivated according to national certification standards without using organic synthetic pesticide.

  • 방사능 검사 통과 수산물 Radiation test-passed fish and seafood

    We provide reliable seafood by conducting inspection on products that are likely to be radioactive in the process of production and distribution.

  • 무항생제 축산물 Antibiotic-free livestock products

    By feeding feeds that do not contain antibiotic, synthetic antibiotic, or hormone,
    we provide antibiotic-free livestock products produced in compliance with national certification standards

  • 프리미엄 간식 Premium snack

    It is a snack product that can be provided to children with confidence through certification of children's favorite food and use of domestic raw materials.

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